Our step-by-step guide on how to buy from our store

We want your visit to our store to be a good experience, so we've compiled a guide on how to place an order with us — should you still have any questions that are not answered here, please feel free to contact us directly, and we will be very happy to help. This guide is also available as a downloadable pdf file here.

1). Browse the site! Be sure to check back regularly too, as new offers are displayed on our homepage (a), and will also appear as a flash at the top of the pages (b)

2). Add your chosen items to your cart — you can do this either from the Quick Shop* window (c1 & c2); or from within the full product description (d). *Not available on mobile devices. 

3). When you add an item to the cart, you will be automatically redirected to view your cart page (e), where you will see your selected item details, including price and quantity.

You will also see that any active offers which your selection makes you eligible for, have now been automatically applied (f).

If you have a different discount to use, simply check, ‘I will be using a coupon instead(g) and enter your code in the Discount code field.

Using a different coupon/offer code will override offers you have already qualified for, so clicking, ‘Update Subtotal(h) will remove any extra items that you no longer qualify for. This ensures that you aren’t charged for the extra items.

4). When you are ready to complete your purchase, you must first click all three of the consents checkboxes (i) — failure to check any of them will result in a warning pop-up similar to the one shown (j). Click ‘Checkout’ when ready to proceed.

5). Fill in all of your details, and check the box for news and offers (k) if you wish to receive them — you are under no obligation to check this box if you don’t want to.

The highlighted fields (l) are compulsory, so you won’t be able to progress until these are filled in. Once complete, click on ‘Continue to shipping method’.

6). If necessary, edit the shipping address (m) and click on ‘Continue to payment method’ when all details are correct.

7). Select your chosen billing address — either same as shipping, or an alternate address as required (n).

Click ‘Complete order’ — this will open a PayPal window (all payments are processed this way) from where you can either log in and pay using your Paypal account, or alternatively, select the ‘Pay with Debit or Credit Card’ option (o) if you prefer.

If you opt to pay by card, you will need to confirm that you do not wish to create a PayPal account, and also check the PayPal privacy policy checkbox (p) in order to proceed.

The card payment option is being shown here — for details of how to use PayPal, please visit their site for more info — to get you started, try; Paypal's buying online guide.

8). You will see the order confirmation screen (also displaying your order number) when your payment has been successfully processed.

9). Finally, check your emails!
We will send you a confirmation email (q) straight away, and this will be followed very quickly by your receipt from PayPal (r). If you haven’t received either of these, please contact us, and we will be happy to help. step by step guide images

10). If you have any queries regarding your order, or need to cancel your order, please contact us — all of our contact details are below.