Winter Collection Peter Rabbit Figurines

Nov 22, 2018

Beatrix Potter is an international treasure. Her stories, tales, animations, and imagination are there to be enjoyed by everyone. The legacy that her work that continues today is nothing short of astounding given that she was born in 1866. With us today living in such disposable times, it is amazing that creations from 150 years ago can still be relevant. Her works can still attract and hold the imagination of people who notoriously have short attention spans. This is testament to her creativity and unimaginable talent.


She gave the world lovable characters such as Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck, spun their fictional lives into enduring stories of adventure and fun, and held the captive imagination of anyone who started the tales until they finished them, and even thereafter. Everybody should invest themselves at some point in her work.


There are some however who look beyond the books and look to purchase something to both remind themselves of the tales and also of the joy that they bring. For those of you who are looking to do exactly that, here we will look at the collection of Peter Rabbit figurines and how, and indeed why, you should purchase a little bit of happiness for your home.


Why Purchase Figurines

What people choose to collect is of course a matter of personal choice. People collect a whole range of items from thimbles to t-shirt. However, figurines are one of the most popular items to collect. The most important factor in deciding to collect something is how looking at the items you collect will make you feel. If Beatrix Potter is something that you love, then why not collect them and add to your existing memories?


Seeing the timeless characters encapsulated in meaningful and relevant poses will spark memories from the books themselves, books which brought you untold happiness. They can also remind you of wonderful times you shared with your parents or with your own children. Adding a smile to your day simply by observing a figurine is an easy way to boost your mood. In addition, you will no doubt find the figurines as charming décor that can be spread around different areas of the house.


Over time it is possible that a collection can not only bring joy, but may add value also. Though this is perhaps not the first reason you should choose to start a collection, it is certainly a welcome one should the value increase.


Figurines aren’t toys but that doesn’t mean that they cannot promote family time. It is possible that you can collect the figurines as a family and not just as an individual. This process will therefore increase the time and engagement with your children and mean that your interactions are based on a positive and joint interest. It gives you something to do and talk about on rainy days when you’re stuck inside. More importantly, they can help remind children of the fun of reading. This could help to encourage them to read more ad possibly reduce the amount of “screen-time” that your children might otherwise undertake.


Figurines can not only create a new interest in all things Beatrix Potter, but they can also rekindle an old interest. If it makes you, or indeed you and your family, revisit her tales, spend time reading and talking together then they have already produced a satisfactory dividend for the investment.



There are numerous suppliers of Beatrix Potter figurines. You may think that by shopping around that you can secure the best price available and, to an extent, this is true. Unfortunately, when it comes to licensed property it is important to look beyond price to ensure that you are buying a quality, well-build item that is properly licensed. There are many non-licensed and, hence, counterfeit goods available, simply because there is a demand to satisfy. If you purchase these then you may damage the Potter legacy for future generations. It is recommended therefore that you consider buying only fully licensed products – something you should investigate at the time of purchase.


Whatever your personal reasons for thinking of buying figurines, what matters is how the figurines make you feel or how they will make a great gift for someone important in your life. You will perhaps be rekindling something that matters a great deal to you and maybe also introducing others to the wonderful world of Beatrix Potter at the same time. The best way of acknowledging how much something means to you is to enjoy it for yourself but to also pass it on to the next generation. You might even buy them for your parents or grandparents as a reminder of the wonderful times you shared together when you were a child. Regardless of what makes you happy about Peter Rabbit figurines, the winter collection of Peter Rabbit figurines offers a great way of achieving just that. Enjoy!